Expert and Easy to Use Pre-School Resources for Parents and Teachers
Shop NowThe early years of your child’s life are the most important for building strong literacy and language skills.
Our accessible and easy to use resources provide your child with the best possible start to school, preparing them to become strong readers, writers, and communicators.
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Educational Excellence
As a parent, you know that the best possible future for your child begins with the best possible start.
Studies support this, and demonstrate that the early years in a child’s life are the most important for building strong language and literacy skills.
Our resources are developed by one of Australia's leading Speech & Language Pathologists and Educators, Mary-Ruth Mendel, who is passionate about empowering parents, carers and educators with the best tools and skills that work with their children.
Our effective and easy to use teaching tools prepare children to be strong readers, writers and communicators, and can assist any child requiring targeted literacy support.
Yabayaba Resources have proven outcomes, and children from all backgrounds and circumstances have improved their vital pre-literacy skills as a result of engaging with our expert resources.
What Sets Us Apart
Yabayaba Resources have been developed over the last 20 years based on best practice drawn from the fields of speech and language pathology, pre-literacy and language development, linguistics and education.
Our accessible and easy to use resources provide your child with the best possible start to school, preparing them to become strong readers, writers, and communicators.
All of our products are designed and printed in Australia, with FSC certification. Every time you purchase a Yabayaba product, a percentage of sales is donated to supporting marginalised children across Australia.